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Episode #16:
Vivaldi Fireworks

With best wishes to all of our YouTube fans in Italy, Apollo’s Fire is delighted to go all-Italian this week!
Jeannette Sorrell likes to think of Antonio Vivaldi as the “rock and roll composer of the 18th century.” Vivaldi was the music master at a famous orphanage in Venice. Since he wrote his concertos for his teenage protégés, it’s not surprising that they feature the driving rhythms and earthy harmonies that inspire pop music today.
This all-Vivaldi episode of “Music for the Soul” features three NEW videos of Vivaldi performances, plus three old favorites. You will find plenty of virtuoso fireworks here. We hope you enjoy them!
Amici, vi spediamo la salute e l’ispirazione.
Wishing you health and inspiration.
Watch Video Playlist
Concerto in C Major for Two Violins, RV 507
Olivier Brault & Adriane Post, violin
with a surprise “Happy Birthday”
L’Estate (Summer) from The Four Seasons
Alan Choo, violin
Vedrò con mio diletto, from GIUSTINO
Erica Schuller, soprano
Concerto in G Minor for Two Cellos
René Schiffer & Mimé Brinkmann, cello
La Folia (“Madness”)
The Case of the Exploding Cello Bow
Alan Choo & Emi Tanabe, violin
René Schiffer, explosive cello
Ciaconna in C Major
Olivier Brault & Carrie Krause, violin

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Apollo’s Fire is providing this video series as a free gift to you. However, during the COVID shutdown we are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in ticket revenue and touring fees. What’s worse, our musicians have lost all of their work with ensembles around the country. But thanks to your donations, Apollo’s Fire, unlike many other orchestras, has so far been able to pay our musicians $100,000 in partial fees for canceled concerts. We couldn’t have done this without your support!
Please consider donating either to Apollo’s Fire or to our Musicians’ Fund.
You can also help us hit 5 million total views on YouTube by sharing these videos with your friends. We are so close!
To donate, email Angela Mortellaro or call 216.320.0012 x 6.*
*AF staff are working remotely. Please leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.
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