Chicago Friends of Apollo’s Fire

The Chicago Friends of Apollo’s Fire are AF’s “link to the community,” helping Apollo’s Fire connect to new audiences and opportunities. The Friends help to build awareness of Apollo’s Fire by spreading the word and by introducing their own friends to AF concerts.
Membership in the Chicago Friends is automatic each year for anyone who donates $100 or more to Apollo’s Fire Chicago.

See Donor List below.


Join Us and support Apollo’s Fire in Chicago!

A gift of any size helps Apollo’s Fire in Chicago engage world-class musicians and guest soloists, deliver innovative programming, and serve the Greater Chicago community through excellent education programs like the Matteson Side-by-Side program.
To support Apollo’s Fire in Chicago, please click the button below or visit our Individual Giving page. Designate your gift by indicating “Chicago” on your check, or choosing “Chicago Friends” in the drop-down menu of the PayPal window (click above).

Supporter Benefits

Annual Fund – Chicago Friends of Apollo’s Fire
Benefits are cumulative except for sponsorships.

Supporter Circle ($100 – $249)

  • Invitation to at least one Apollo’s Fire Soirée (house concert) per year.
  • 2 Bring-a-Friend coupons to an AF subscription concert in Greater Chicago (must call the box office to redeem)
  • Recognition in donor listings (print and website).

Buckingham Circle ($250 – $499)

  • Recognition in printed Apollo’s Fire programs

Brandenburg Circle ($500 – $2,499)

  • Invitation to Exclusive Donor Receptions (Intermission or Post-Concert)

Esterhazy Circle ($2,500 – $4,999)

  • Sponsor a Guest Artist (includes printed recognition and a backstage opportunity to meet the artist)

Versailles Circle ($5,000 – $9,999)

  • Sponsor a Concert (includes recognition in all materials, complimentary tickets, and a poster signed by the musicians)

Mount Olympus Circle ($10,000+)

  • Special Project Sponsor

CHICAGO Friends of Apollo’s Fire

Mount Olympus Circle ($10,000+)

William Lawlor
Drs. Jonathan & Elisa Ross
Elizabeth Walder

Versailles Circle ($5,000 – $9,999)

Steve & Judy Bundra
Joyce Chelberg
Stephen & Maria Lans

Esterhazy Circle ($2,500 – $4,999)

Patricia Costante & Stephanie Champi
Gary & Shay Olson
Richard & Deborah Schroeder
Dr. & Mrs. James & Rita Sheinin

Medici Circle ($1,000-$2,499)

Michael Angell
Stephen Ban
Lilly Eng
Dave Mulligan & Kim Arnowitt
Katrina Pipasts
Lynne F. & Ralph Schatz

Brandenburg Circle ($500 – $999)

Bruce Baumberger & Ann Weatherhead
Michael Breen
Patricia Carlson
Derek Cottier & Laura Tilly
Martha Anne Driscoll
Brian & Carol Duffy
Bonnie Forkosh
Dale Hedding
Joan Safford
Paula Salerno
David Simmons

Buckingham Circle ($250 – $499)

Michael & Jacklyn Brennan
Michael Coleman
James Denton
Charlie Grode & Heidi Lukas
Susan & Jeffrey Gumbiner
James & Ina Heup
John Mroczka
Hugh Muller & Paul Seeley
Florence Nelson
Fred Rasio
John & Jackie Roberts
Karen Trinkle

Supporter Circle ($100 – $249)

Baird Allis
Steven Andes
Cindy Miller Aron
John Bankhurst
Stan Barrish
Marjorie Benson
Steve Berlin
Karl Berolzheimer
Philip Biever
Jeannette Buerk
Charles Capwell
Laura Cavallone & Andrea Vannucci
Joseph & Helen Cesarik
David Chinitz
Ann Cole
Barbara & Michael Davis
James Denton
Robert Dirks
Mary Dold
Marilynne Felderman
Andrea Fiebig
Timothy Fox
Frances Gasbarra
Elisabeth & Bob Geraghty
Janet Halstead
Robert Hevey
Ronald Hilton
Delia Johnson
Marjorie Johnson
Daniel Kearney & Judy Erickson
Mary Nell Kennedy
Mary Klyasheff
Mary & John Lawlor
Louella Levey
Margaret & Gordon Mallett
Bill & Peggy Martay
Maureen McGrath
Mary McKeown
Janet Messmer
Sarah Miller
Thomas Murphy
Ray Narducy & Betsy Soete
Rachel Niemann
Scot O’Hara
Sarah Opdycke
Jean Pasko
Joan Paul
Stacy Ratner
John Seaman
Renetta Shapiro
Jean Shedd
Juan Solana
Linda Stengel
Jeffrey Strauss
Mary Torgerson
Linda Townsend & Michael Polzin
Kok-Chi Tsim
Susan Turner
Susan H. Vonnegut
Chris Werwicki
B. Yusim

Join today and meet the Chicago Friends of Apollo’s Fire!
Pre-Concert Reception at Ravinia

“The U.S.A.’s hottest baroque band.” –CLASSICAL MUSIC MAGAZINE (UK)

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