The Tudor Arms Hotel
10660 Carnegie Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Apollo’s Fire Gala Benefit
at the historic Tudor Arms Hotel
(back by popular demand)
Enjoy sangria and cocktails, tapas, dinner with wine, and much more!
Evening music includes a performance of the stunning Tango Concerto for Two Violas da Gamba by René Schiffer and Boccherini’s Fandango with harpsichordist Jeannette Sorrell and strings & guitar.
Festivities will begin at 6:00pm.
6:00pm – Cocktails, tapas & silent auction
7:00pm – Concert featuring Apollo’s Fire musicians
8:00pm – Dinner & wine, Fund the Need*
9:15pm – Dessert & coffee
*We will continue the tradition of recent years with NO raise-the-paddles and NO auctioneer. Patrons can help Apollo’s Fire Campaign to Secure the Future by making silent donations during the evening.
Attend the Gala!
All ticket levels include the price of cocktails, dinner, concert, & complimentary valet parking
Andalucía — Primary Sponsorship — $10,000 ($8,000 tax deductible)
- Prominent inside cover listing in program book for gala and event web page
- Advertisement in all program books for 2019-20 concerts
- 8 tickets to a future AF concert
- Table for 8 at dinner
- VIP seating for the concert
- Complimentary Apollo’s Fire CD for each guest
Catalonia — Major Sponsorship — $7,500 ($5,700 tax deductible)
- Gala program and event web page listing
- Advertisement in all program books for 2019-20 concerts
- 8 tickets to a future AF concert
- Table for 8 at dinner
- VIP seating for the concert
- Complimentary Apollo’s Fire CD for each guest
Granada — Sponsor Table Host — $5,000 ($4,000 tax deductible)
- Gala program and event web page listing
- Table for 8 at dinner
- VIP seating for the concert
- Complimentary Apollo’s Fire CD for each guest
Segovia — Sponsored Table — $2,900 ($2,100 tax deductible)
- Listing in gala program
- Reserved concert seating
- Table for 8 at dinner
Sevilla — Hosted Table — $1,560 ($760 tax deductible)
- Listing in gala program
- Table for 8 at dinner
Valencia — Patron — $295/per person ($195 tax deductible)
- Listing in gala program
Mallorca — Friend — $195/per person ($95 tax deductible)
Don’t miss this landmark celebration of one of Northeast’s Ohio’s artistic and entrepreneurial success stories – Apollo’s Fire!
- Attend the Gala
- Buy or put together a Table
- Be a Sponsor
- Donate to the Silent Auction
- Help on a Committee
For more information and if you wish to receive an invitation, please contact Meredith Soeder at 216.320.0012 x 6 or
If you would like to donate an item or experience to the silent auction, contact Meredith Soeder.
If you cannot attend, please consider making a donation. DONATE HERE
To learn about hosting a table or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ms. Noha Ryder at 216.320.0012 x 2 or
Thanks to the generous support of:

Additional support from